Wednesday, May 20, 2015

What Do You Know About Sun Safety?

Today, we had a presentation from the Cancer Society about sun safety.

Do you know what SPF stands for? You might find it on a sunscreen bottle.

What part of the sun is dangerous to our skin?

            Which one of these hats would offer more protection? Why?

How often do you have to apply your sunscreen?

And the answers are...

SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor. Your sunscreen should be an SPF of 30.

The UV rays are dangerous to our skin.

The beige hat offers more protection because it has a rim that protects your face, your neck, your scalp and your ears. It also doesn't have holes in it like the pink hat.

To keep your skin safe, you have to apply sunscreen every two hours.

We made bracelets today that show us how powerful the UV rays are. When we are inside, the beads are white. When we go outside, the beads will change colour depending on how strong the UV rays are. The darker the beads become, the stronger the UV rays! So...

Slip on protective clothing!
Slap on a hat!
Slop on sunscreen!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

Room 15 would like to wish all of our Moms, Grandmas and Aunties a very special 
Mother's Day!

Please remember to help our "hair" grow by giving us lots of sun and water!

Victoria: "Thank you mom for taking really good care of me...even when I'm sick."

Alyssa: "Happy Mother's Day Mom!"

Alex: "Thank you for taking me for walks to get Slurpees!"

Connor: "Thank you for helping fold my laundry!"

Nolan: "Thank you Mom for making good ribs!"

Patrick: "Happy Mother's Day! I like it when you do "Fill in the Blank" stories with me!"

Sijad: "Thank you for helping me grow up!"

Melany: "Happy Mother's Day Mom!"

Maconce: "I like when you play games with me!"

Harpreet: "Thank you Mom for making everything for me!"

Anthony: "My Mom is a great Mother because she cooks dinner for me!"

Caitlin: "Thank you for always doing my hair!"

Andi: "Thank you for cooking me dinner and putting food on my plate every day!"

Sherissa: "Thank you Grandma for making me muffins!"

Marcella: "I love you Mom! Thank you for everything you do!"

Kelise: "Thanks for taking me swimming Mom!"

Thank you for all you do!