Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Today we worked hard!

Please don't forget to bring in your non-perishable food items on or before Thursday, for the Rock, Paper, Scissors  Tournament. 

Jersey Day is on Friday!!! There will be some extras if your child doesn't have one. We need 100% participation to increase our odds at winning the autographed Jets jersey.  Lakewood School almost won it last year! 

Today we worked very hard! Just like Habit #3: "Put First Things First" (Work First, Then Play)

Here are some pictures from today:

Daily 5 Time:

We learned how to solve multiplication story problems today:

Thursday, November 13, 2014

We Love Owls!

These were really neat to draw, on old ripped novel pages.  The kids in Room 15 did a fantastic job!  We will be learning more about owls in Science this month.

Data Survey & Graphing Project

We've started a data survey and graphing project today!  The students in Room 15, had to come up with a burning question that they would like answered and figure out how to go about collecting the data, organizing the data and displaying the data.

Here are some pics of us working hard on our projects:

Thursday, November 06, 2014

Spider Time!

This week we created a design process plan for a spider, that contained all of the main parts. We collected recyclable materials and put our plans into action this afternoon.  Some of our plans had to be adjusted along the way.  It was a lot harder then we had imagined, but was lots of fun!



Today we read a story called, "Peace Begins With You", by Katherine Scholes.  In the story we learned that everyday, people make choices about peace at home and at school.  Some choices threaten peace, while others protect peace.  We can all work together to find peaceful solutions to conflicts, so that each person can get what they need and want.  Sometimes small compromises have to be made, in order for this to happen.

Peace means different things to different people.
Peace is having the things you need.
Peace is being able to have, or to hope for and work for, some of the things you want.
Peace is being allowed to be different and letting others be different from you.
Peace is something that lives, grows, spreads, and needs to be looked after.

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Recyclables Please

The students will be doing a design process project on Thursday.  They have each created a  design plan, that has all the main body parts for a spider.  Students have brainstormed what materials might work best for each body part for the spider and they will need to look at home for a few of their items to bring in.  Please ask your child what  materials they may like to use (especially for the spider's 2 main body parts and the eyes), that may be found around your home.  The school will be able to supply: straws, popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, paper plates, plasticine, egg cartons and styrofoam/plastic cups.

Thanks very much for your help with this project!