Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween

This morning we did Halloween centres in our classroom and had special treats. Thanks very much to Mr. Padoan, Mrs. Kawaleski and Mrs. Tronrud...they were delicious. A very special thank you to Mr. & Mrs. Armstrong for sewing special treat bags for each child in our classroom and filling them with treats.  The students were very appreciative and excited about them today!   

In the afternoon we had a Halloween Tabloid all over the school.  There were games, crafts, minute to win it and a glow room!  Please check our Twitter and Instagram for more pictures from today @15hoots!

Have a very happy and safe time tonight Trick or Treating!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Birds of Prey

Today, a woman from Wildlife Haven Rehabilitation Centre, came to the school to do  presentation on birds of prey and how her centre helps all types of birds and mamals.  She brought Avril, a Hawk and Max, a Great Horned Owl.  Here are some pictures and new learning from today:
 Caitlin: Hawks can live up to 8 years in the wild and have lived as long as 30 years in captivity. 
 Victoria: The hawk (Avril) lost his eye, so the Wildlife Haven took him in and did surgery. He now is now living in captivity. 
Kelise: There are 2 kinds of hawks in Manitoba. 
Sherrisa: Both hawks and owls spits up pellets. 
Patrick: The owl's pellets have bones, but the hawk's stomach digests the bones. Their pellets are mostly fur. 
Marcella: I learned the owl (Max) was taken in because he had bugs in his ears and he fell out of the nest, breaking his wing. Wildlife Haven took him in and they are still taking care if him. 

Connor: Owls have 14 bones in their necks, so they can turn their heads all the way around.  They do this because their eyes only look straight ahead. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Creepy, Crawly Spiders!

Today we read "Diary of a Spider", by Doreen Cronin.  We discussed our schema about spiders and we brainstormed questions that we would like answered about spiders.  

Here are some of the questions that we would like answered about spiders:

1. How long do spiders live?
2. Are spiders mammals?
3. How do spiders catch mosquitoes?
4. How do spiders shoot webs?
5. Do spiders get sick?
6. What kind of food do they eat?
7. I wonder if the tarantula is the biggest?
8. How log have spiders existed?
9. How do they travel and how fast can they go?

Then we watched a video about spiders to gain new information.    
Did you know that spiders have existed for over 300 million years!  
Click here to watch the video

Friday, October 17, 2014

Go Jets Go!

In celebration of the home opener tonight, we did some #winnipegjets math this morning. It was fun deciding which jersey numbers were odd/even and which ones were greater than and less than. We made an organized list of the different outfits a fan can wear to the game tonight!  Check it out:
We will be continuing our Jets math study next week.  We will compare players weights, ages and learn some great strategies for adding and subtracting multiple jersey numbers and start keeping track of the Jets wins and losses.  Hopefully we get a win tonight!  Here are some more pictures from today:

Here are some of the grade 2 activities we did today in our booklets (the grade 3's had tougher numbers):

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Happy Birthday Maddox!

Just a quick Happy Birthday message to our friend and classmate Maddox!  We hope you are enjoying your new school on this very special day!! We miss you :)

Friday, October 10, 2014

We are Thankful

We made "Thankful" Family Trees today.  Thanks to all of our wonderful families!  We feel so honoured to be teaching your little ones.  Happy Thanksgiving! 

We are thankful for many are just some of them:

Sherrisa - I am thankful for my family and my school.

Connor - I am thankful for art.

Caitlin - I am thankful for my family and my house.

Victoria - I am thankful for being born and I am happy that I have a brother to play with.

Alyssa -  I am thankful for my friends.

Marcella - I am thankful for God and for my parents.  We love each other.

Andi - I am thankful for my family.

Patrick - I am thankful for the food that I get to eat.

Anthony - I am thankful for nature.

Nolan - I am thankful for school and living in Canada.  It is a safe place to learn and live.

Melany - I am thankful for my school and my new baby brother.

Harpreet - I am thankful for all my toys at home.

Maddox - I am thankful that I have a dog.

Sijad - I am thankful for my family for taking care of me.

Kelise - I am thankful for my brother.

Mrs. Brick & Mrs. Yard: We are so thankful for our families and for teaching such a great group of kids!

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Be Proactive!

We are learning about the, "7 Habits of Happy Kids", by Sean Covey.  
Habit #1 is "Be Proactive".   

We watched a really cute cartoon today about being "reactive" vs. "proactive".  
Click here: How could the gopher be more "Proactive"?

Habit 1
Be Proactive

I am in charge of me! 

1) I am a responsible person.

2) Have a “Can Do” attitude.

3)I choose my actions, attitudes and moods.

4)I don’t blame others.

5) I do the right thing without being asked, even when nobody is looking

Here are some ways we can be proactive at school and home:

I listen carefully to instructions.
In gym class, I start the warm up right away.
I make sure I have my runners on and laced up, so I am ready.
I pack my own backpack, so I am ready for school.
If I have a note in my agenda, I show my parents or teachers.
I do my job right away, without being asked. 
I study my spelling words before my test.
I do my homework and hand it in on time.
I use my time wisely during Daily 5.
Hand in my recess equipment right away, so the helpers aren't late. 
Complete my morning jobs in good time and without being asked.
Put my name and date on my paper every time.
Hand in my work into the "Unfinished or Finished bin".
Brush my teeth every day.
Clean up after myself.
I bring my agenda to school every day.

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

What have we been up to in LA and Social Studies??

Wow! September is already gone and we're quickly moving on to October. Over the past month, I have been very busy meeting, assessing and conferencing with all of the students in Room 15. As mentioned in our email update, all of the student's strengths and weaknesses in both reading and writing are now being planned for. Please refer to our email for details about home reading, sight word, speaking and spelling programs which will all begin throughout October.

Some of our September highlights:

- Learning to edit our work by looking at meaning, details, spelling and punctuation

-Sorting student jobs, teacher jobs and jobs that belong to both of us

-Amazing "All About Me" presentations

- Daily sight word routines

-Learning and playing fun sight word games like "Splat"

What a great first month to a great year! We would also like to congratulate all of the students of Room 15, our first recipients of the "Lakewood Is Proud Of You" award. Room 15 earned the award by being kind, respectful, inclusive and genuine to one another. Way to go boys and girls!