Friday, October 09, 2015

We had lots of fun in Room 15 today!

This morning we had Library with Mrs. Branco. We picked out two books and we read a story called A Turkey for Thanksgiving by Eve Bunting. The story we read was about a Moose getting a Turkey for Thanksgiving.  I really liked the story. My favourite part was when the Turkey ran away from the Moose.

For a fun activity in the afternoon, we made turkey hats.  It was fun. We used lots of construction paper and to make the head we cut out our foot or our hand or we could just drew a turkey head.

At the end of the day, we had a free period where we were playing with games and our friends. During free period, I love to colour.

For the last period of the day we had Music and we sang Five little turkeys. We had fun singing and wearing our hats.

Goodbye parents of Room 15.  Have a great long weekend and Happy Thanksgiving!

Written by Adam and Ms. Klaus

1 comment:

  1. Good job Adam!!!!!....Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle James
