Friday, September 25, 2015

Owl Picture Day!

We had a very fun Friday. We had buddies with the Kindergarten's in Mrs. Fogel' s class. We played with them and watched a Go Noodle. Next time we will have partners and we will read to them. We are very excited to read with our buddies next week.

Today we also had picture day. We all looked fantastic! Mrs. Brick even came to take a picture with us. We all had to smile and make a pose so that our picture looked good. We can't wait for you to see our class photo.

We also learned about Terry Fox today. We watched a video on Terry Fox and his Marathon of Hope. We learned that he had an artificial leg and he ran to Thunder Bay. He wanted to run all across Canada, but he did not make it all the way because his got cancer in his lungs and had to stop running. It surprised  me in the video when he stopped running to ask to go to the hospital. Next week, we have the Terry Fox Run on Wednesday.

At the end of the day we finished up some work and then we got some Choice time!

Have a nice weekend!!

Written by Ms. Klaus and Rylee.

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