Wednesday, April 15, 2015

April Assembly

Thank you so much to all of our families that were able to make it this morning. If you were unable to make it or if you would just like to check out our video again, here is the link.

Room 15, in your own words, what does it mean to synergize?

- "It means to help people by working as a team." - Sherrisa
- "It means to include other people." - Victoria

Can you give me some examples of synergizing?

- "Passing the ball so that each person can help the team." - Sijad
- "If a net falls down, some other kids can help pick it up." - Connor
- "If someone drops some garbage, you can pick it up and put it in the garbage." - Caitlin
- "Helping other kids to build something." - Alyssa
- "I can help my sister do homework." - A.J.
- "Including other kids at the park." - Andi
- "At home and at school, we need to be trustworthy!" - Patrick
- "I can synergize with the environment by throwing out my garbage instead of throwing it on the ground." - Alex
- "In the community, I can synergize by giving someone back their money that they have dropped."
     - Nolan
- "If someone is sitting alone, ask them to join you." - Harpreet
- "If someone doesn't know how to spell something, I can help them to spell it." - Melany
- "I can work together with other kids to help them build something." - Maconce
- "At home, I can help cook supper." - Marcella

Thank you to Mrs. Cantafio and the Room 14 Monsters for being such awesome synergizing partners!

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