Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Be Proactive!

We are learning about the, "7 Habits of Happy Kids", by Sean Covey.  
Habit #1 is "Be Proactive".   

We watched a really cute cartoon today about being "reactive" vs. "proactive".  
Click here: How could the gopher be more "Proactive"?

Habit 1
Be Proactive

I am in charge of me! 

1) I am a responsible person.

2) Have a “Can Do” attitude.

3)I choose my actions, attitudes and moods.

4)I don’t blame others.

5) I do the right thing without being asked, even when nobody is looking

Here are some ways we can be proactive at school and home:

I listen carefully to instructions.
In gym class, I start the warm up right away.
I make sure I have my runners on and laced up, so I am ready.
I pack my own backpack, so I am ready for school.
If I have a note in my agenda, I show my parents or teachers.
I do my job right away, without being asked. 
I study my spelling words before my test.
I do my homework and hand it in on time.
I use my time wisely during Daily 5.
Hand in my recess equipment right away, so the helpers aren't late. 
Complete my morning jobs in good time and without being asked.
Put my name and date on my paper every time.
Hand in my work into the "Unfinished or Finished bin".
Brush my teeth every day.
Clean up after myself.
I bring my agenda to school every day.

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